Hope City is a community interest company (CIC) based in Twickenham. We raise funds and produce high quality events for local charities working with the most vulnerable people within our local community.

Established in 2022, Hope City’s team are passionate about creating artistic projects that engage a wide range of audiences and channeling proceeds back to our local community charity partners.



"Our ethos is guided by Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - esteem, love and belonging, safety needs and physiological needs"

The Team

Ron Brand

Ron Brand

Founder & Director

Ron is a serial entrepreneur building three multimillion pound businesses over his career. 

Starting with a Photographic company formed in the bedroom of a council house in Barking. The business was grown to become Essex Colour Laboratories and was Sold for seven figures in the mid-Seventies and Eighties.

By 1993, Ron saw the growing importance of the Internet and made a decision to return to London to form an ISP (Internet Service Provider). Link Connect was subsequently sold in 2006 in a Trade Sale. During this time Ron also supported his son on the  journey to the top of the entertainment world.

Alfie Neill

Alfie Neill

Creative Producer

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